jueves, 11 de diciembre de 2008





viernes, 14 de noviembre de 2008

Virginia Tech Massacre

Virginia Tech's students said that they would never forget the day that a student killed 32 people before killing himself. On April 16 a gunman went on the Viginia Tech University. When he was done, he had killed 30 students and 2 member of the faculty.

The Virginia Tech massacre was a school shooting, consisting on two separated attacks on the university's faculties (West Ambler Johnston Hall and at Norris Hall). Seung-Hui Cho, the assassin, killed 32 people and hurted other before killing himself. This massacre is the deadliest shooting event that happens by one armed man, in United States.

The Attacks:

Cho, used two weapon on the massacre: 22-caliber Walther P22 semi-automatic hand gun and a 9 mm semi-automatic Glock 19 handgun.

West Ambler Johnston Hall Incident:

In this attack, Cho, killed 2 people, Emily J. Hilscher, a freshman, and Ryan C. Clark a resident assistant. Almost two hours after the first killings, Cho appeared at a nearby post office and mailed a package of writings and video recordings to NBC News; the package was postmarked 9:01 a.m. Then, he, walked to the site of the second set of murders. In a backpack, he carried several chains, locks, a hammer, a knife, two guns, and almost 400 rounds of ammunition.

Norris Hall:
Two hours after the first shooting, Cho, entered to the Norris hall and chained three main entrance doors, and on eachone left a note saying that if someone tries to open it, a bomb would explode. Cho killed 30 people in this hall, he went room by room shooting students and in the room 211 of the Norris Hall he killed himself.